Hello GTPS Parents/Guardians, Please check our website "News" section for information regarding our new app. Download it today to stay informed of everything happening at Gloucester Township Public Schools!
5 months ago, Stephen Wells
gtps app info
Please follow the link below for informatoin on the Fall Celebrations and Parade on October 31st- https://sites.google.com/gloucestertownshipschools.org/gtes/fall-celebration-costume-guidelines
5 months ago, Jake Lessman
Next week is the WEEK OF RESPECT! We hope you will join us in our theme week!
5 months ago, Jake Lessman
Week of Respect 2024
Fall 2024 CHAMPS sign-ups at GTES will begin on Wednesday, October 2nd. Please follow the link for more information and to see what club offerings are available for your child in grades 2-5: https://sites.google.com/gloucestertownshipschools.org/gtes/CHAMPS.
5 months ago, Jake Lessman
TRUNK OR TREAT at GTES! Tuesday, October 29th from 6:30-8:00. To register to host a trunk/table click the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScAQwYVfnSUMG6ff-2MA-PRFaBPDK2cXhl5gPEqYf9xf_ivyg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
5 months ago, Jake Lessman
GTES EPC Trunk or Treat Flyer
EPC Meeting TONIGHT! 7:00pm at GTES in the library. You can also join virtually via the following Zoom link: https://gloucestertownshipschools-org.zoom.us/j/82812308240
5 months ago, Jake Lessman
Order you GTES SPIRIT WEAR! Show your Yellow Jacket pride!
5 months ago, Jake Lessman
Spirit Wear
Do you want to get paid to eat ice cream? You can! (well...sort of...) Visit Hilltop Creamery on Monday, September 23rd and a portion of your purchase goes to benefit our EPC!
5 months ago, Jake Lessman
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT is scheduled for Thursday, September 19th at Gloucester Township Elementary School. There will be multiple sessions offered to accommodate our families. Grades 3-5 will have three sessions from 6:00-7:25. Grades K-2 will have three sessions from 7:00-8:25. Please view the image for the flyer, which will also be sent home and emailed to families.
5 months ago, Jake Lessman
BTSN 2024
How lucky are we at GTES?! Our EPC and our community came out to show the staff of GTES some love and we love it! THANK YOU!
6 months ago, Jake Lessman
Chalk the Walk
Chalk the Walk
Chalk the Walk
Chalk the Walk
Chalk the Walk
Chalk the Walk
Chalk the Walk
Chalk the Walk
Chalk the Walk
Chalk the Walk
REMINDER! TONIGHT! The Gloucester Township Elementary School EPC is hosting an exciting event for all students and families to kick off the school year on September 3rd! Check it out!
6 months ago, Jake Lessman
GTES EPC Chalk the Walk Event Flyer
REMINDER- Kindergarten Orientation is tomorrow, 8/29/24 at 10:30am at Gloucester Township Elementary School. Students and their families will be able to enter the building through the Black Horse Pike Entrance at 10:15am. We look forward to meeting our new kindergarten students!
6 months ago, Jake Lessman
Kindergarten Orientation
The Gloucester Township Elementary School EPC is hosting an exciting event for all students and families to kick off the school year on September 3rd! Check it out!
6 months ago, Jake Lessman
GTES EPC Chalk the Walk Event Flyer
Gloucester Township Public Schools new app coming soon!
7 months ago, Gloucester Township Public Schools
Gloucester Township Public Schools new app coming soon!
Be on the lookout for the new website coming soon!
7 months ago, Gloucester Township Public Schools
Gloucester Township Public Schools new website coming soon!