Special Services

Welcome to the Department of Special Services home page. Our goal here is to provide information and resources to navigate through the special education process. If additional clarification is needed please log onto the New Jersey Department of Education - Special Education website. The "Parental Rights in Special Education​​​​​​​" tool is a viable resource and reference. Our goal as a department is to provide students with an appropriate educational program, based on their individual need(s).

"See life through the eyes of a child."

Our Commitment

Gloucester Township is committed to providing an extensive continuum of special education programs and services to serve our diverse population of students with special needs. We constantly strive to improve our programs through professional development, research-based methods, and cutting-edge recommendations for best practices. Our committment to the special needs students of Gloucester Township is to assist them in becoming the best they can be, given their disability. 

"See Life Through the Eyes of a Child" 

Violet Y. Martin, Ed.D., Director of Special Services
Kevin O'Brien, Supervisor of Special Education
Jacqueline Ceresini, Supervisor of Special Education
Annette Simpkins, Administrative Secretary
Erica Harmon, Administrative Secretary
Margaret Grace​​​​​​​, Administrative Secretary 

For School Transfer Record Requests, please email Maggie Grace: mgrace@gloucestertownshipschools.org

For more resources and information, please visit the Camden County Family Support Organization website below:


The next SEPAG Meeting will be held in April, date is TBD.